You've waited...
...and waited...
Guess what Quilter's of Awesome?
The Third Round of the Schnitzel & Boo Mini Quilt Swap is finally here!
I've done some plotting and planning and brainstorming to make this one even bigger and better than our previous rounds. We have sponsors and prizes, optional donations to various Animal/Humane services, printable quilt labels and discounts from a few of my favorite fabric shops and pattern designers and more coming in every day!
Let's start with a couple of the prizes, but only a couple because I want to keep the excitement going:
**A Brand New Pattern by Kelly Biscopink**
Discounts for swap participants have generously been offered by the following:
(more info coming soon)
And, this is really exciting, Patchwork Threads and I have teamed up to help out our four-legged, feathered and/or furry friends by creating a special Animal/Quilt themed T-Shirt for you:
20% of the profits from the sale of this very special shirt will go to the
ISN'T THAT AWESOME??? Thank you, Lindsay, for making this possible!
Now, most of you know how much my pets mean to me and what a softie I am for animals. One of the goals of my career is to be able to open an animal rescue for misplaced, mistreated, unwanted, homeless animals. It has been suggested to me that I charge people to participate in this swap, but for me it's not about making money. This swap is all about making friendships and building community; breaking down walls and getting to know each other. I am not interested in making a single cent off of any of you. I am interested, however, in helping others.
So, here is my proposal:
Let's make a donation in our partners name. I've had quilt labels designed for you by
Ali Winston (Instagram user @a_2_w). Feel free to print these off and use them for your quilts. There is a place to write in your name and donation info (or not-there's an option to keep in anonymous, too!) Be on the lookout for a separate post with these labels. Ali will be guest blogging for me, and will be able to explain better how to print and use them. Thank you, Ali!
Here is a list of shelters, rescues and charities that I love. Donations are completely optional, and there is no pressure whatsoever to do it. I just thought it would be a nice way for one community of friends to help another. Take a look, if you have one that you love, please send me an email or
contact me here so I can include the link. Thanks!
One last change before I give you the sign up link. This round will be EXCLUSIVE to Instagram users. Since this is an Instagram based swap, I thought it would be best to keep it on that platform. We have a Flickr group that is great for communicating and stalking, but most of our activity happens on IG. If you DO NOT have an Instagram account, you WILL NOT be able to participate. I have so many participants in this swap that it is extremely challenging to keep on top of it if everyone isn't in the same place. I know this is a disappointment for some, but it's the way it needs to be. Thank you so much for understanding!
Here's some of the important stuff to know:
1. You will be assigned a partner according to the answers you submit, so think carefully!
2. Be sure to give as much information as possible so your swap is a happy success.
3. Quilts can be as small as 6"x6" and as big as 24"x24".
4. This is a secret swap, give us sneak peeks or even full views, but don't tag your partner!
5. Due dates to have your mini quilt in the mail is Friday, January 16,
2015. This gives you two plus months to get through the holidays, finish up
your WIP's, clear your cutting table off and stock your shelves.
6. Because the ship-by date is so far off, and this is a secret swap,
please make every effort to send your swap by January 16 for International Swappers and January 23 for Local Swappers.
7. Come join the
Flickr group to share all of your pictures, gather ideas and meet up with new and current friends.
8. Use the hashtag #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap and
#makeaquiltmakeafriend to check out what everyone else is doing. These
are the exact same hashtags that we used during the first round, let's
keep it going!
9. Feel free to send goodies with your Quilts, if you want. It is nice,
but NOT necessary, so don't feel obligated to do so and don't feel bad
if you don't.
11. Have fun!
12. Upon receipt of your Swap Package, PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PLEASE take the time to post in on IG, say thank you and send your partner an email. This is ESSENTIAL!
Please keep in mind that this swap is open to ALL SKILL LEVELS. You may not get something that equals your own skills, so please be thoughtful (and gentle!) when receiving. Send something that you are proud of and would be proud to display on your own wall.
For more information on how this works, click here:
Are you ready to sign up?
Well then, here you go...
Now, sit back, relax and enjoy the flight! Erm, I mean, give me a little time to organize. Because I don't set a limit on the number of participants, the partnering up process can take a week or so. HANG TIGHT!
Happy swapping!