Monday, November 10, 2014

Mini Quilt Swap Round 3 Labels

Hi there! This is Ali from a.squared.w taking over today. Kristi asked me if I would design a few labels for round 3 of the swap and of course I said yes. While I haven't spent much time sewing lately, I love designing sewing related stuff still.

There are 3 PDF options. All are 8.5" x 11" and have a 4.5" label in the top left corner. There are 1/4" seam allowances on all sides so the label will finish to 4" square. There are 2 ways that you can print your selected label.

Always do a test print first so that you know how your printer feeds the paper (usually right side down on ink-jet printers)

Method 1
1. Buy Printable Fabric sheets (similar to this or this or this. I have never used any of these brands before so I can't say that one is better than the other)

2. Print selected label at 100% on an inkjet printer.

3. Trim on black line.

Method 2
I like this method because you can pick the fabric that you use (colors, prints, etc). Make sure it's 100% cotton. Pre-washed will hold the ink better.

1. Cut Freezer Paper and desired fabric to 8.5" x 11".

2. With a dry iron on a mid-low setting, iron the back of the fabric to the shiny side of the paper. Iron from the fabric side on a firm surface.

3. Once the fabric is cool, place in printer and print selected label at 100%

4. Press design with a warm dry iron to set the ink.

5. Peel off the freezer paper and trim on black line.

A note about scaling:
If you want a smaller or larger label you can certainly scale up or down in the printer settings. However, since the 1/4" seam allowance is included, scaling down will reduce the seam allowance and scaling up will make it larger (although it can be trimmed down to size).

Click on the label of your choice to be taken to Google Drive where it is hosted. You can select to download it from there. The download button looks like an arrow pointing down.


  1. these are great and I love the tip about printing on fabrics using freezer paper

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your instructions on how to print to fabric and also a huge thankyou for the labels, they look awesome!
